Up to the same tricks, Nexon released another teaser portion of their "Erinn Walker" magazine, this time 'revealing' what most already knew: Giants and Elves as playable races would be coming out. They also stated the next release date for more teasers as the 10th. When do we get the meat, already?
They also began another 'event' where you could win a free Giant or Elf character card if you posted on their forum claiming a side as better. What follows is what I wrote there.
When I first discovered Mabinogi, there were three major things that immediately caught my eye: the music skills, the ranged combat, and the ability to play elves. My character, Elrei, was based on a character I had made elsewhere who was an elven bard. I haven't heard a definite answer on whether or not humans will be able to rebirth as other races, but I'm not sure it matters at this point.
While I still like the fact that there is an outlet for musical expression in the game, I am deeply disappointed with magic music. I'm sure anyone who cares to know why can find my other post in the last event forum thread. As for ranged combat, I have to say it's pretty good, as long as I don't miss. It can be very frustrating, though, when I will let my aim meter run all the way up to 99% and I still miss the dead, immobile target three or four times. Also frustrating is the constant tossup between bows and crossbows. I like being able to run while loading a shot, but I can't help but feel like I miss more often with a crossbow. Further, I prefer the aesthetics of a composite.
I tend to run dungeons with another person who has put a lot of AP into the Smash skill. Despite the fact that I can make more shots in less time, my hits tend to be significantly weaker, which means that I still take longer to kill things, even if I hit with every shot. Meanwhile, my partner can run in with Smash loaded, one-shot a monster, load Smash again while running to the next monster, one-shot that one, lather, rinse, repeat. And she doesn't have a miss chance. True, I could Magnum and one-shot things, but then I still have to aim at the slower speed, meaning I still kill things slower. And I could still miss.
Although I originally wanted to create an elf character when I first started, and was rather disappointed they weren't out yet, I'm beginning to think that I might prefer a Giant instead. If nothing else, then I wouldn't have to worry about being disappointed with Elves.
To be honest, I had no idea that Giants were an option when I first started. I learned about Mabinogi by seeing someone whose work I greatly admire mention it on their Livejournal page. I'm intrigued at the inclusion of Giants as opposed to Dwarves, since the latter are typically the ones pitted against Elves in most fantasy settings. I would very much like to know more about why the Giants and Elves are at odds with each other.
I was rather surprised to find myself more aesthetically drawn to the Giants than the Elves, looking solely at the pictures in the Erinn Walker pages. However, I'm very particular when it comes to Elves, and I personally do not care for the over-extended ears that they are given in most animated styles. Further, while the female face and hair choices shown could be decent, the males on the opposite page look rather clueless, which hardly fits with the 'intelligence' stereotype they're claiming. As for the Giants, while I can't say I'm particularly fond of the aquiline nose and pointed brow of the males (I thought the Elves were the one with the Falcon transformation, after all), I have to admit that the females look absolutely exquisite, as well as exotic compared to the Elves (who could almost be mistaken for human, if it weren't for the ears). And, of course, we can't forget about the addition of beards. I think it's something that's been missing for humans. Maybe allow a choice for stubble to form for them past a certain age?
Skill-wise, I don't really see the ranged advantage everyone says Elves have. Yes, they shoot 2 arrows at once. Yes, their skill loads faster, but they also aim slower. Yes, they can move while aiming, and ride while aiming, but their accuracy suffers for this, and I already miss too often. Further, they don't get Arrow Revolver, so pretty much everyone who has it is already better than an Elf is going to be for at least a while. Mirage Missile does sound nifty, but the one skill that intrigues me most is their ability to Hide. And as I understand it, that can't be used in combat, so I'm not sure about practical uses on that yet.
Yes, an Elf will have a ranged advantage on a Giant, but I think Humans are still going to win in that regard. Meanwhile, speaking of ranged attacks, the Giants have access to a rather nifty device called an atlatl. It's a rarely seen weapon, but very ancient, which uses basic principles of leverage to throw a javelin with much greater distance and force. Basically, a slingshot for javelins. I've only seen it even mentioned in one other game, and that was old 1st Edition AD&D. Chances were good most people didn't know what it was, since there weren't good descriptions given for it there. And most people didn't bother taking it as a weapon due to sheer munchkinism and number crunching (simply, it didn't do enough damage to be popular), so it was phased out in later editions. But it is a very cool weapon, and to actually see it implemented in a graphical game sends a thrill through my cranium.
As for Giants being melee powerhouses, I'm not sure I agree with that, either. As I understand it, they don't get Final Hit, so once again I think Humans are going to have the upper hand here. I don't know. I'm not too interested in crunching numbers at the moment.
Culture-wise, it's about equal. I'm curious how being desert-dwellers will affect the stereotypical image and history of Elves. I'm also intrigued by the possibilities inherent in playing a race that comes from a land completely covered in snow and ice (I'm seeing very Nordic themes from that, which is cool since the vikings played a role in early Celtic culture, and the game is, at least in theory, based off of that). The two are polar opposites, if you will, so I suppose it's natural they'd conflict, although I can't imagine what it is they fight over. I doubt the Elves, used to the blazing sun and heat, would really want to go anywhere near someplace as cold as where the Giants live.
Despite my original intentions, then, it seems I'm more likely to play a Giant than an Elf. At least until the novelty of being able to bash things with trees and use an atlatl wear off.