It's like Cake or Death, but with less cake.
October 8 is the last day to register to vote in Missouri. Regardless of your political or moral leanings, I encourage everyone to make certain they are registered with their current, accurate information. Think of it as buying a lottery ticket: you can't win if you don't play.
I'm really not sure if there's a point to making a recommendation, or stating my own views or leanings. Pretty much everyone who is going to vote already knows who they want to vote for. I will say that I got a big kick out of Hilton's return-fire at McCain, hence my inclusion of her image here.
I will also say that I would much have preferred a Clinton-Obama, Clinton-Biden, or even Obama-Clinton ticket, for one very good reason that was pointed out to me: Clinton has been through this. She's already had her background put through the wringer. There won't be anything that can be dredged up to use against her, aside from the inevitable (and still prolific) jibes at her husband's extramarital excursions.
I've always been very irritated by the weight put on what should have been a personal issue, not a presidential one. Morality and religion play more of a role in our elections and politics, now, than England's, which is highly ironic to anyone who passed their high school Civics and American History classes. Our president is supposed to be our political leader, not our moral compass.
Alright, side-rant over.
But, lacking a preferable ticket, yes, I am in favor of the Obama-Biden campaign. I've learned too much about McCain and Palin, especially the latter. Considering the age and infirmity of McCain, I think we have to consider the possibility that Palin would take over at some point during the term, and I honestly believe she would be worse than Bush. I remember when the campaigning started, McCain as president was compared to having another four years of the current regime, but now I think Bush would be preferable. Scary.
So I beg and implore anyone still upset over Clinton's exclusion from the race - Please, do not let your sour grapes spoil things further for the rest of us. No, Obama's not perfect, but at least take a few minutes to go over the facts concerning the two remaining candidates and their VP choices. Get a renewed, fresh perspective. Look at it as though Clinton was never a candidate to begin with. Don't vote for McCain out of spite. If you're going to vote for him, it should be because you agree with not only his ideals and voting record, but also Palin's ideals a

Further, if you're a Republican who is voting for McCain-Palin because of party affiliation, I urge you, as well, to go over the issues again. Think about what you really believe for yourself, and determine if their voting records and backgrounds are really what you agree with.
I know I'm not likely to change any minds. But I'll have no sympathy whatsoever for those who vote one way, and then complain in the event that their chosen candidate wins and acts exactly as their record indicates. It's not the promises made on the campaign trail that dictate how a president will act, but the actions and stances they have taken throughout their history.