So after I dropped the last idea into my online bucket, I went ahead and made a brief write-up for it:
"Certain types of magic are traditional to (and generally guarded by) certain races:
Dwarves are regarded as the masters of Gem Magic, while Elves have long been the keepers of Crystal Resonance. This has lead to a feud between the two races, as the Dwarves begrudge the harvesting of quartz and other appropriate crystals for what they view as a "perversion" of Gem Magic, while the Elves say that Gem Magic was an attempt by the Dwarves to steal the knowledge of Crystal Resonance.
Halflings use Sorcery, though other races often refer to it derogatorily as Witchcraft. It is a simplistic magic, but with no less potential to be powerful.
Gnomes, with their analytical minds and love for categorizing, developed Occultism, which relies upon hidden knowledge derived from both arcane formulas and religious texts and ceremonies (which are often formulas disguised as dogma and doctrine).
Humans, with their short lifespans and overwhelming drive for power and knowledge, have not developed their own form of magic, instead learning whatever form they prefer (or can get their hands on).
It is possible to learn more than one type of magic, though finding willing teachers may be difficult."
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